AFP Technologies, based in Leeds and serving the Yorkshire area, offers managed cybersecurity services and a managed threat detection service against threats which put your software and data at risk.
Cyber security breaches are on the rise and becoming increasingly more complex. Recent statistics show a whopping 25% of all organisations worldwide will experience a breach over the next 12 months. Hacking, data theft and destruction, fraud and ransomware are just some of the ways a security breach can have a catastrophic effect on businesses.
With this kind of danger becoming very real, choosing an off-the-shelf, anti-virus product and hoping for the best is simply not an option. AFP Technology is perfectly placed to offer small and large companies a robust, tailored solution that protects your systems and provides the ultimate in peace of mind.
A cornerstone of AFP Technology’s offering is providing all our customers with world-class products and software. We are committed to ensuring our clients are protected by the latest, most advanced products on the market.
Our partner of choice is Webroot and all our solutions leverage Webroot threat intelligence, the most powerful threat intelligence architecture in the world. Webroot goes on the offensive in the fight against viruses and security threats, using behavioural analysis to identify and stop attacks before they happen.
Our proactive approach also extends to providing a total IT security and training suite. This includes everything from proactive scanning to ethical hacking (hidden shopper style reporting) and providing penetration testing which pinpoints exactly where your network is weakest.
We are a qualified Cyber Essentials vendor, which means we can help companies and teams work towards certification with authority and complete confidence. Contact us today using the short form below to find out how our security experts can help protect your business.